Thank you very much to all for your valuable encouragement. In this blog i am trying to explore Indian Heritage and Culture in various aspects by using the images from my own collection and also from other people collection with their kind permission. If any person or organization think that some of the images which i am using in my blog are relating to their own property and copyright then i request them to intimate me and i remove them immediately from my blog.
I am collecting Indian Heritage and culture related vintage postcards, paintings, prints etc. and exhibited them at several locations across India in various events and also sharing them with school and college children by giving presentations to them on Indian Heritage and Culture with my collections and also documenting puppetry etc. intangible performances.
In my collection i have some vintage Exercise Note Books of India. During the time of Independence period and later also for some years Exercise Note Books publishers in India printed the Students Exercise Note Books with the images of various Patriotic leaders of India like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose,Jawaharlal Nehru etc. leaders and also with the images of Swami Vivekananda and other eminent personalities of India. These are some student exercise note books of my collection with the image of Mahatma Gandhi.
This is another student exercise note books of my collection with the image of Mahatma Gandhi's young portrait during his middle age. Students of that generation used some of the pages of this exercise note book.
This the exercise note book in my collection with the image of Swami Vivekananda.
This the exercise note book in my collection with the image of Subhash Chandra Bose.
In my collection i have several Vintage Invitation Cards of India. Most of them are Pre Independence period (i.e. before independence) Maharajah's and their Relatives Marriage Invitation Cards etc. This is Jaipur Club's vintage invitation card of the year 1938 on the occasion of Maharaja of Jaipur at Home on Saturday the 29th January, 1938 at 4 '0 clock.
This is "Dewan of Morvi State" vintage invitation card of the year 1948 on the occasion of the Rajyarohan Darbar to be held at the City Palace on Sunday the 15th February, 1948 at 3-45 p.m.
This is "Dewan of Danta State" vintage Marriage Invitation Card of the year 1948 on the occasion of the wedding of Their Apparent Maharaj Kumar Shri PRITHIRAJ SINGHJI Bahadur to the Princess of Dungarpur on Friday the 30th January, 1948 at Dungarpur.
This is "His Highness The Maharaja of Jaipur" vintage Marriage Invitation Card of the year 1966 on the occasion of His son Major Maharaj Kumar Bahadur Singh's marriage with Princess Padmini Devi, daughter of late His Highness Maharaja Rajendra Prakash of Sirmur at No.1, Aurangazeb Road, New Delhi on the 10th March, 1966 at 5-45 p.m.
This is The Chief Secretary Government of Jaipur Invitation Card of the year 1945 on the occasion of Inaguration of New Legislature by His Highness Maharaja at the Sawai Man Singh Town Hall on September 5, 1945 at 11 a.m.
This is Private Secretary, Phoolsagar Palace,Bundi's Dinner Invitation Card on the occasion of His Highness The Maharao Raja of Bundi's Daughter Princess Mahendra Kumari's marriage with Sri Maharaj Kumar Pratap Singhji Sahib, Heir Apparent of Alwar on Friday, the 27th April 1962 at 9 p.m. at Phoolsagar Palace, Bundi.
This is The Indian Community of Batu Pahat's Dinner Invitation of the year 1950 on the occasion of The Inauguration of The Sovereign Democratic Republic of India at No.32, Jalan Rahmat(Chinese Chamber of Commerce) Batu Pahat on Thursday, the 26th January, 1950 at 8 p.m.
This is Mahatma Gandhi image on vintage Marriage Invitation cover.
This is Street Scene Mathura vintage postcard in my collection. This vintage postcard printed in Luexmburg. In this vintage postcard Mathura name spelt as Muttra.