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I am collecting Indian Heritage and culture related vintage postcards, paintings, prints etc. and exhibited them at several locations across India in various events and also sharing them with school and college children by giving presentations to them on Indian Heritage and Culture with my collections and also documenting puppetry etc. intangible performances.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Calico Mills Ahmedabad vintage Diwali Sale calendar of 1935 in my collection

This is "Calico Mills, Ahmedabad" vintage Diwali Sale Special book type calendar of the year 1935 in my collection. Here calendar printed from 1935 November month to 1936 October month (Diwali Callendar year starting from November to next year october). Sharing this vintage Diwali Sale special calendar today on the auspicious Diwali festival.

Shri Dipostavi Devi (Goddess Lakshmi Maa) vintage art postcard in my collection

This is "Shri Dipostavi Devi (Goddess Lakshmi Maa)" vintage art postcard printed by The Indian Art Press, Bombay in my collection. Sharing this beautiful vintage art postcard today on the auspicious Diwali festival.

Deepavali (Diwali) Sweets tin box in my collection

Now people look after and thinking for nostalgic olden days. One example this new diwali sweets gift iron tin box printed with the images of vintage match box labels. Some of those traditions printed in the images are now very rarely seen even in rural parts also. Hence even this new diwali sweets tin box also have some nostalgic look. Sharing this tin which is in my collection now on the occasion of Diwali.

Goddess Lakshmi Maa image printed vintage tin box in my collection

This is Goddess Lakshmi Maa image pinted Pista Badam Biscuits vintage tin box in my collection. Sharing this beautiful vintage tin box today on the auspicious Deepavali festival.

Goddess Lakshmi Maa bataik painting in my collection

This is Goddess Lakshmi Maa batik painting in my collection. Sharing this beautiful postcard today on the auspicious Deepavali festival.

Goddess Lakshmi Maa patachitra painting in my collection

This is Goddess Lakshmi Maa patachitra painting in my collection. Sharing this beautiful patachitra art painting today on the auspicious Diwali festival.

Deepavali vintage art print in my collection

This is Deepavali vintage art pint in my collection. Sharing this beautiful art print today on the auspicious Diwali  festival.

Indian Women lighting lamps vintage art prints in my collection

These are some Indian Women lighting lamps vintage art postcards in my collection.  Sharing these beautiful lighting lamps vintage art postcards today on the auspicious Diwali festival.

Shubh Deepavali vintage advertisement art postcard in my collection

This is "Shubh Deepavali" vintage advertisement art postcard in my collection. Sharing this beautiful art postcard today on the auspicious Deepavali festival.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Mahatma Gandhi Khadi theme related spinning takli vintage collection

These are Mahatma Gandhi's Khadi theme related three different traditional woman spinning takli cotton (swadeshi yarn) vintage print images and one vintage khadi exhibition label in my collection. Sharing them today on the occasion of 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. They are Sir Chinubhai Madhowlal, Insurance Department, Ahmedabad vintage calendar of the year 1933 and Ganesh Gangaram & Son, Bombay vintage textiles label and one vintage print and "Rajasthan Khadi Gramodyog Pradarshini (Rajasthan Khadi Village Board Exhibition) One Anna vintage entry ticket.

Mahatma Gandhi's Khadi theme related vintage entry ticket

This is Mahatma Gandhi's Khadi theme related "Rajasthan Khadi Gramodyog Pradarshini (Rajasthan Khadi Village Board Exhibition) One Anna vintage entry ticket or label in my collection. sharing this vintage Khadi Exhibition entry ticket today on the occasion of 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.