ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ఉన్న తెలుగు వారందరికీ అంతర్జాతీయ మాతృ భాషా దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు.
మాతృభాష అంటేనే మన ఉనికి, మన అస్తిత్వానికి ప్రతీక.
Thank you very much to all for your valuable encouragement. In this blog i am trying to explore Indian Heritage and Culture in various aspects by using the images from my own collection and also from other people collection with their kind permission. If any person or organization think that some of the images which i am using in my blog are relating to their own property and copyright then i request them to intimate me and i remove them immediately from my blog.
ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ఉన్న తెలుగు వారందరికీ అంతర్జాతీయ మాతృ భాషా దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు.
మాతృభాష అంటేనే మన ఉనికి, మన అస్తిత్వానికి ప్రతీక.
On the occasion of "International Mother Language Day" which is a worldwide annual observance by 21st February i.e. today to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism. To promote the preservation and protection of all languages speaking by people across the globe from 2002 onwards UNESCO declared every year 21st February is International Mother Language Day. On this occasion sharing herewith "Second World Telugu Conference 1981" Souvenir which is in my collection. Cover page of this souvenir printed with cloth bound cover and both sides of the cover printed with beautiful kalamkari paintings. Now this souvenir is a rare one and the cover of this rare souvenir with beautiful kalamakari paintings which are part in telugu culture speaks by themselves about the glorious rich cultural heritage of telugu language.
On the occasion of "International Mother Language Day" today sharing herewith one beautifully illustrated big size "Ramayana theme" kalamkari painting which is in my collection. The kalamkari artist drawn in this painting from the scenes of Birth of Lord Sri Rama and his brothers to their marriage. Alongwith beautiful illustrations of Ramayana artist in this painting beautifully written every scene in traditional telugu language in old style by illustrating every scene. Like this in my collection i have some other kalamkari paintings with their illustrations in telugu language.
On the occasion of 395th Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji sharing herewith Chhatrapati Shivaji image printed vintage lithograph of Modern Litho Works Bombay, Chtratrapathi Shivaji Chaap vintage bidi merchant letterhead and two different vintage match box labels which are in my collection. #ChhatrapatiShivaji #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj #
Vintage lithograph of Modern Litho Works, Bombay
Chtratrapathi Shivaji image printed Chtratrapathi Shivaji Chaap vintage bidi merchant letterhead
On auspicious Vasantha Panchami festival day on 3rd February 2025 this year my first heritage event conducted by exhibited my heritage collection in some schools. School kids eagerly observing old cultural traditions with my collection and some kids asking questions relating to the cultural significance of various art traditions. Enclosed letter given by some school authorities for sharing my knowledge with their school kids on that auspicious day. #VasantPanchami2025 #indianheritageandculture #saraswathimaa #indianheritage #vasantpanchami #goddesssaraswati
Letter from school authorities for my event in their school on auspicious vasantha panchami day.These are some photographs of the event in the school where school kids eagerly observing heritage collection and they keenly listening and participating at the time of my presentation to them on Indian Heritage and Culture with my heritage collection.