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I am collecting Indian Heritage and culture related vintage postcards, paintings, prints etc. and exhibited them at several locations across India in various events and also sharing them with school and college children by giving presentations to them on Indian Heritage and Culture with my collections and also documenting puppetry etc. intangible performances.

Friday, 21 February 2025

ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ఉన్న తెలుగు వారందరికీ అంతర్జాతీయ మాతృ భాషా దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు.

 ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ఉన్న తెలుగు వారందరికీ అంతర్జాతీయ మాతృ భాషా దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు.

మాతృభాష అంటేనే మన ఉనికి, మన అస్తిత్వానికి ప్రతీక. 

మన సంస్కృతి, సంప్రదాయాలకు, జీవన విధానానికి మూలాధారం మాతృభాష. 

తెలుగు భాషను పరిరక్షించుకోవడం మనందరి బాధ్యత. 

Second World Telugu Conference 1981 Souvenir in my collection sharing today on International Mother Language Day

On the occasion of "International Mother Language Day" which is a worldwide annual observance by 21st February i.e. today  to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism. To promote the preservation and protection of all languages speaking by people across the globe from 2002 onwards UNESCO declared every year 21st February is International Mother Language Day. On this occasion sharing herewith "Second World Telugu Conference 1981" Souvenir which is in my collection. Cover page of this souvenir printed with cloth bound cover and both sides of the cover printed with beautiful kalamkari paintings. Now this souvenir is a rare one and the cover of this rare souvenir with beautiful kalamakari paintings which are part in telugu culture speaks by themselves about the glorious rich cultural heritage of telugu language.

#Telugu #Telugulanguage #InternationalMotherLangugeDay #MotherLanguageDay

Ramayana theme kalamakari painting with telugu description across painting in my collection sharing today on International Mother Language Day

On the occasion of "International Mother Language Day" today sharing herewith one  beautifully illustrated big size "Ramayana theme" kalamkari painting which is in my collection. The kalamkari artist drawn in this painting from the scenes of Birth of Lord Sri Rama and his brothers to their marriage. Alongwith beautiful illustrations of Ramayana artist in this painting beautifully written every scene in traditional telugu language in old style by illustrating every scene. Like this in my collection i have some other kalamkari paintings with their illustrations in telugu language.

#InternationalMotherLanguageDay #MotherLanguageDay #Telugu #Telugulanguage #Kalamkari #kalamkaripaitings

Thursday, 20 February 2025

My second heritage event of this year in a school on 4th February 2025 by exhibiting my heritage collection in their school and giving presentation to school kids with my collection

These are some photographs of My second heritage event of this year in a school on 4th February 2025 which is next day after Vasantha Panchami festival by exhibiting my heritage collection in their school and giving presentation to school kids with my collection. On Vasantha Panchami festival day some school authorities told as they have some other activities on that day and told to me to come to their school by next day after Vasantha Panchami festival day. Accordingly next day after Vasantha Panchami festival day on 4th February 2025 of this year went to some schools to share my collection and knowledge on Indian Heritage and Culture with school kids which is my second heritage event of this year and on that day at the time of my participation in a school by exhibiting my heritage collection with school kids of some schools. Enclosed participation letter given by school administration authorities of a school and photographs of the schoo students who enjoyed very much by observing my heritage collection and some of those have much curiosity by keenly observing my heritage presentation to them on Indian Heritage and Culture. Some school kids during the event holding my heritage collection with their hands and requesting me for their photographs as they carrying heritage material with them with much joy and enjoyment. #indianheritageandculture #indianschool #school #schoolstudies #indianheritage #schoollife #schoolkids #schoolkid #schoolstudents

Event participation letter from school administration authorities for my event participation on their school

 Photograph of school staff along with me during the event

Photographs of school kids during the event on that day. In the entire event time school kids eagerly observing my heritage collection and watching my heritage presentation on our Indian Heritage and Culture through my collection with much fascination and enthusiasm. Some kids during the event holding my collection in their hands and taking photographs as they felt it is some happy to them to carrying some legacy of Indian culture objects with their hands. I personally felt very happy for the enthusiasm of school kids and college students and elders during my several events at various locations with my heritage collection from the last 15 years as many of them personally appreciating for my efforts of preserving our heritage and culture with my collection. 

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Chhatrapati Shivaji image printed vintage lithograph and match box labels in my collection sharing on the occasion of 395th Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji

On the occasion of 395th Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji sharing herewith Chhatrapati Shivaji image printed vintage lithograph of Modern Litho Works Bombay, Chtratrapathi Shivaji Chaap vintage bidi merchant letterhead and two different vintage match box labels which are in my collection. #ChhatrapatiShivaji #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharajJayanti #ShivajiJayanti #Shivaji #ShivajiMaharajJayanti

Vintage lithograph of Modern Litho Works, Bombay

Chtratrapathi Shivaji image printed Chtratrapathi Shivaji Chaap vintage bidi merchant letterhead

Chtratrapathi Shivaji image printed two different vintage match box labels

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

My First Heritage Event of this year on Auspicious Vasantha Panchami Day dated 3rd February 2025 in some schools in Kakinada

 On  auspicious Vasantha Panchami festival day on 3rd February 2025 this year my first heritage event conducted by exhibited my heritage collection in some schools. School kids eagerly observing old cultural traditions with my collection and some kids asking questions relating to the  cultural significance of various art traditions. Enclosed letter given by some school authorities for sharing my knowledge with their school kids on  that auspicious day. #VasantPanchami2025 #indianheritageandculture #saraswathimaa #indianheritage #vasantpanchami #goddesssaraswati

Letter from school authorities for my event in their school on auspicious vasantha panchami day.

These are some photographs of the event in the school where school kids eagerly observing heritage collection and they keenly listening and participating at the time of my presentation to them on Indian Heritage and Culture with my heritage collection.

School administration authorities sharing with their school kids an newspaper article which published about my heritage collection.

In the below photograph school administration authorities sharing knowledge with their school kids by showing my heritage collection with them.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Kutch Metal Bells in my Collection and their making process information

 Kutch Metal bells.

These are nine different sizes starting from size no.1 to size no.9 kutch metal bells in my collection. Alongwith these bells also i have unique design kutch metal objects which are decorated with these bells in my collection. These metal bells primarily used for animals. Lohar community people from kutch preparing these metal bells which termed as "Ghantadi" in kutch region. The bell is made of iron and coated primarily with copper, along with a few other metals. They are made from scrap iron sheets which are repeatedly beaten to join together and to give them the required shape. The metal parts are neatly joined by expert hands by a locking system without any kind of welding.

Details and process of the kutch metal bells as follows:

 One of the 27 different traditional art forms of Kutch region of Gujarat
 The artisans and the art is believed to have descended from Sindh in Pakistan centuries ago with Nomads migrating into Kutch region along with their cattle and art
 Villages Kunaria, Zura and Nirona are hub of this art and artisans
 These bells are generally prepared from the scrap Iron or Tin, thus this craft makes excellent utility and art from nothing through Creativity.
 Iron is cut and mould into cylindrical shape with hammering, then upon hollow cylindrical shape, crown is made and same is hammered with cylinder.
 Thus the bell is ready, but it is hammered gently from various directions till bottom rim of the bell is so molded that it produces desired sound.
 This requires deeply trained ears and hands, to mould the bell such as to produces sweet melodious sound
 Once moulded, bells are soaked in the liquid solution of brass and copper and wet bell is covered with Mud
 Then, the coated and mud covered bells are kept into the furnace for few hours to make bells alloyed with covered metals.
 Sesham ringer is then attached inside the bell as a ringer.
 The sound of Kutchhi Hand Crafted bell is very unique, given the craft of moulding them in a such a manner.
 The sound of Handcasted bell can be easily differentiated from machine made bells and sound of none of the machine made bells can come parallel to the sweetness and depth of this Handcasted bell.

Alongwith my kutch metal bells collection in this post i am using the process of kutch metal bells photographs from some friends posts and from other sources.