Tuesday 11 May 2021

J Krishnamurti Centenary Year 1995 souvenir cover and photo print in my collection sharing today on 126th Birth Anniversary of Great Indian Philosopher Shri Jiddu Krishnamurti

 On 126th Birth Anniversary of Great Indian Philosopher Shri Jiddu Krishnamurti (J.Krishnamuti)(11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986) today sharing herewith J.Krishnamurthy Birth Centenary Year 1995 souvenir or folder prepared by Krishnamurti Foundation India, Chennai which is in my collection. Having cover only of this Centenary Year 1995 souvenir and no idea of what material inside the souvenir. Alongwith this Centenary Year 1995 souvenir cover also have one black and white photo print of Shri J. Krishnamurti may be it is inside the souvenir printed at that time but no idea.

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