Wednesday 15 July 2015

Intangible Cultural Heritage Performances during Festivals in India

Our Incredible India is a unique land with a combination of diverse cultures and traditions. We can observe the real spirit of  the culture and life of India during the celebrations of various fair and festivals which  celebrated in each and every part of India. In our country there are many festivals and fairs continues through out the year. People of India celebrated each of these festivals and fairs with much enthusiasm and joy.

On the occasion of Dussehra and Ganesh Chaturthi festivals Indian people celebrated with much joy. Dussehra and Ganesh Chaturthi both are the festivals celebrated in every part of India 9 days and during these 9 days we can see the true spirit of Indian cultural and life particularly during the nights of these 2 Navaratri festivals Indian people forget about their daily routine works and involved deeply with their hearts and  want to explore the many Folk, Stage and Street Performances relating to Intangible Cultural Heritage of India. Generally people are very busy with their day to day activities but during these festivals they want to came back to their roots and trying to explore as much as possible about many of these performances which relates to our Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

Some of the Intangible Cultural Heritage performances celebrated by Indian people during these festivals are Kolatam, Street Performances, Stage Performances,Tholu Bommalata (Puppet Performances), Puli Vesham, Garaga Dance, Thappeta Gullu, Asadi Nrutyam, Urumula Nrutyam, Bhama Kalapam, Yakshaganam, Ardha Naareeswara Nrutyam, Burra Kadha, Pagati Vesham, Snake Charmers, Bear performers etc Many of thees Intangible performances are oral and there will be no recorded documentation for them. These are only a few performance names in the list performed by Indian people which came under the category of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India. According to some opinion through out India like theare are nearly 1,000 different types such Intangible cultural performances existed in every part of India. But Now-a-days due to technological advancement many of these performances vanished away and most of these are now come to edge of complete extinction and some of them already vanished. 

Hence it is our responsibility to preserve these performances which are part of our glorious Intangible culture. Otherwise in the future generations people are referring about these object through Internet and in text books only because at that time there will be no physical objects and persons not available to perform these things.

From my side i am keen enthusiast to researching and documenting these festivals. Whenever i have chance and time i am visiting these festivals regularly.

These are some photographs relating to some of our Intangible Cultural Heritage performances which i taken during these Navaratri festival occasions.

I am also with these performers and taking photographs alongwith them in some photographs.

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