Saturday 11 July 2015

Four Years of Blogging

Dear all visitors of my Heritage of India blog, i sincerely and honestly saying a big thank you to the each and every visitor of my Heritage of India blog. This is my fourth year in the blogging. 

In the beginning i am focusing on preparing blogs on several themes by individually. I have 10 different blogs on various themes. But from the last 2 years my focus is completely on this (present) Heritage of India blog because now-a-days in this speedy technological age of India many traditional things of India are gone away. Our many old day performances like Sanke Charmers, Puppet Performers etc. many things which are part of our Incredible Intangible Heritage of India vanished away gradually. Due to this reason from the past 2 years i am focusing only on preserving Indian Heritage and Culture in my own way by collecting vintage postcards (from pre independence period onwards), vintage photographs etc. vintage material relating to the greatness and glory of our Incredible India upto 19th Century, and also collecting books, prints, portfolios(souvenirs/brochures) etc. relating to various aspects of Indian Heritage and Culture i.e. our paintings, our tradtions, our monuments etc.

From the last 2 years i am spending nearly 1 hour every day on taking scans of my collection and reading notes and preparing notes and drafts for blogging those material in my Heritage of India blog and finally sharing them in my Heritage of India blog.

I am glad to inform that right now people from 153 different countries visiting my Heritage of India blog and nearly 100 followers to my blog. I am felt it is a satisfaction to me for my time which i spend regularly for preparing this blog and i am sincerely saying a big thank you to all of you for your valuable encouragement.

Alongwith my collection in my free time i am visiting old temples, fairs, festival events, research institutes etc. of several parts of India and gathering material from those locations about various aspects of our Tangingle and Intangible Cultural Heritage of India.

Apart from sharing my knowledghe and collections through this Heritage of India blog sometimes i am sharing my knowledge on our glorious culture with our younger generation school and college children by giving presentations and seminar to them. So far i gave 3 seminars on Indian Heritage and Culture to our children.   Below i am sharing one photo which is my first presentation in a college.

Further recently i am observing that some bloggers using the material and text as it is from this blog and using them in their blog. They even did not mention about the source from where they are getting these images and information. Even though we are in the Internet age i think it is our primary responsibility to respect other people's knowledge and give credit to them as and when we are using their information. But unfortunately some bloggers do not have such type of courtesy and to my surprise while visiting those people blogs where they are using my original collections and my text in their blogs and they mentioned as "these are in my collection". These things are leaving for their inner heart only. 

From my side i am giving credit to other peoples/organisations as and when i am using their material etc.

Further i am happy to inform that some people using my own collection vintage postcards etc. and published them in their publication by mentioning my name and blog link etc. Even BBC also using my vintage telegram images in their hindi website with my permission.

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