Wednesday 26 November 2014

Akka Devathalu (Sapta Matrikas) Photographs

These are some Akka Devathalu (Sapta Matrikas) Photographs taken in an Folk Temple near Kanipakam Vinayaka Swamy temple. 

This Folk Akka Devathalu temple is located in 2 to 3 Kilometers near to Kanipakam Swayambhu Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy temple.

Recently we went to Holy Shrine Tirumala Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple. At that time one day we went nearby 100 kilometers radius temples in a Taxi. On that nearby temples journey while going to Kanipakam  temple we came across this Akka Devathalu folk temple. I asked Taxi driver about this temple and their history. I stopped at this temple and taken some photographs and also noted some information about these Folk Akka Devathalu through taxi driver.

According to the information obtained from the taxi driver and also from some other oral information these Akka Devathalu temples are located everywhere in the districts of Rayalaseema region. Some communities worshipped these Akka Devathalu as their Kula Devathas. Generally in temples Sapta Matrikas are in the form of statues. But in these Akka Devathalu Folk temples they are in the form of Horses, Elephants and also in some other shapes. These Folk Akka Devathalu prepared and worshipped by certain communities like potters and others and they prepared these images with Terracotta clay and also with stones. 

I do not have much information and knowledge about these Folk (Rural) Akka Devathalu and further i do not get adequate information about these Akka Devathalu.

But i want to share something about these Folk Akka Devathalu (Sapta Matrikas) because these photographs show very interesting information about the culture of people of certain communities,their folk tradition, their folklore, their myths etc.

Like this Folk Akka Devathalu temple in every part of Rural India there are many myths, traditions and customs practiced by several people and each of these festivals, fairs etc. have their own significance.

These are some photographs which i taken at this Folk Akka Devathalu temple. 

In the following photographs i am sitting in front of these Folk Akka Devathalu statues. I felt happy to visit this folk temple because this experience is useful to me for exploring our folk tradition and culture in some extent.


  1. Very interesting. Nicely narrated too.

  2. I am. very pleased to see your article in. the blog on the Indian heritage, good description and explanation. Thanks.

  3. Great post, Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. sapta matrikas are powerful goddess they are the lord shiva devotees if u want i will send u the story

    1. Hai,
      This is Hrishi
      Can you please send me the story to
      i want this information.

    2. Hai ,can u send story to

    3. Please send the story to

  5. Hi anil can you please send me the story at nkmba3015

  6. Hi anil can you please send me the story at nkmba3015
