Friday 13 September 2013

Sita Vanavas painting of Raja Ravi Varma vintage postcard

This is Sita Vanavas painting of Raja Ravi Varma vintage postcard in my collection.

1 comment:

  1. {my views , which i found some what truth )my views may or may not be acceptable truth.}

    Many ramayanas are there , like valmiki ,vashist ,kamb, ramanujan ,ramayanaa are few of many other versons of ramayana ,
    what is the meaning of ramayana found ,– ramayana = ram +ayan ( ayan meaning came ) ,

    to some stories ahyilyia was cursed by gotham rishi , Ahalya was
    converted to stone ,As for Ahalya, Gautama granted her the boon that she
    would be brought back to human form by the touch of the feet of Lord
    Rama .
    so rama avatar would had been made (incarnated) ,thus how many ramas would had been created ,

    would gotham rishi would be knowing about rama avatar ?

    ramayana so many ahilya versons are there ,( like in a verson , ganga
    tells to gautam , it is mid night not the bath time go to home and see
    some thing would have been wrong ) .

    how many Ahilyas storeies
    would had been made and how many gautams would had been made and how
    many ahilyas lifes would had been spoiled ,how many indras would had
    been made and how many girls/boys souls would had been made to sit in
    hen or cock and make sound (cock crow) .thus how many would had been
    made culprits ,sinners ,bad brains ,bad habituals of bad acts and bad
    karma .
    and those cuilprits , sinners are/would had been made to quarrel and killed in the wars of ramanyana .?

    , would had took placed for the revenges and the cruelties happened on
    ladies ( like savarupnakha ,sita ) . to show the cruelities ,gamblings
    were played and sarees were made to removed

    like ramayana vishvamitra story would have many versons and vishvamitras

    would had been happened for revenges of ramayana and ramayana would had
    been happened for ahiylia and what would be reason behind ahiliyia
    insult was conspirancies or any ones evil idea .

    really how many
    would had been real culptits and how many would had been created and how
    many would had been victims of vengences and eneyminities and how many
    peoples souls would had been killed

    killed peoples would had been
    given births to different parents , differnt mothers ,different fathers
    , and thus differnt marrages would had taken places in past birth some
    ones mothers would had been wife of some another person .and some wrong
    and illigal methods and would had been used like rapes for the birth and
    for enemities and revenges .
    thus quarrels would had been on increasing ,and peoples and souls became culprits and victims .
    to one of the satguru video in the past arround 18 millions years 1.8
    crores years ago and one of the papa ji ( h.l. punja ) video , arround
    80 millilons years ,8 crores years ago some incarnations had took placed
    and some wrong things and wrong marrages and wrong interchanged
    childrens were given births by the other not by their husbands .
    like this millions and millions peoples are accused .

    ( peoples which had to make lifes good and better , used the criminals
    ,and wrong ideas and methods for spoiling and destroying the lifes )

    More than 99 % of peoples, gods ,souls had been inocents ,had not been
    victims . if polatictics , conspirancies , crimanilites ,some wrong
    traditions and some wrong rules of few from the ancient times would had
    not been made.

    why the wrong and mishappenings happened and
    happenings from the very ancient times , why peoples went wrong for
    wrong marrages wrong acts
    Why the gods , devatas , peoples and
    humans became wrong of bad wisdoms and wrong acts and bad karmas ,crores
    and crores of peoples ,were all the peoples were bad .why became bad
    instead of becoming good humans and peoples

    for examples of very few , link given below–copy & paste

