Sunday 21 July 2013

Guru Purnima

The Day of Full Moon, Purnima in the Month of Ashad is traditionally celebrated as Guru Purnima by Hindus.

Also known as Vyas Purnima, the day is celebrated in rememberance and veneration to Sage Veda Vyas. He is the Adi (Original) Guru of the Hindu Dharma, who classified the Vedas, wrote the Eighteen Puranas and Mahabharata. 

In the every generation there were Gurus in India who have played a significant role and look after for the welfare of people of India in their personal growth and also for their spiritual growth.  

From the ancient period the Guru Parampara of Guru Tradition protect us from our ignorance and lead us towards our enlightenment. In several traditions and cultures the Role of Guru is very significant.

There will be a famous saying on Guru:

"Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheswara
Gurur Sakshat Param Brahma
TAsmai Shree Gurave Namaha".

Meaning of the above saying on Guru.

"The Enlightened Guru is no other than Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer.

Guru is truly The Almighty Brahmaan, Our Salutations to Him; the Divine Spiritual Master".

Tomorrow i.e. on 22nd July, 2013 is Guru Purnima.

On Guru Purnima, the Guru is offered Pujan (Worship) by the disciples.

This is the image of Guru Parampara in India. In this image the photos of several Gurus of various generations are visible. I got this image from a telugu book.

This is the image of Dattatreya Avatara Parampara who are also Sadgurus. I got this image from a telugu book.

These are 2 images of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya printed on the cover page of one of the famous telugu monthly spiritual magazine "Yadartha Bharathi" published from Vyasasramam, Yerpedu. Sadguru Sri Malaya Yatindra Swamy (1885-1962) started this magazine with the aim of sharing ancient wisdom and secrets of Hindu Religion and its significance.

This the background image of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya in a classical dance performance.

These are the images of His Holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swami of Kanchi Kamakoti who is also considered as Avatara Paramampara of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya. Many devotes worship and treated His Holiness Sri Chandrasekarendra Swaraswathi Swami as Walking God, who considered one of the famous Sadguru of our present generation who lived on earth more than 100 years. Many devotees treated Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swami as Paramacha with devotion. World famous author Paul Brunton and also Kings and Queens of several Kingdoms of the World and also many notable persons across the globe visited Kanchi regularly and seeking the blessings of Paramacharya.

In the following image there are Gurus of various traditions and cultures across the world in many generations.

The following are my Guru Purnima images. I 
prepared these Guru Purnima images in Adobe Photoshop.

These are my other Guru Purnima images. I prepared these images in Powerpoint.

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