Friday 8 February 2013

Sandhyavandanam Performing vintage post card

This is Sandhyavandanam Performing vintage post card.

This Sandhyavandanam Performing vintage post card is not in my collection. One person from England   giving me permission for using his Indian vintage post cards images in my Heritage of India blog. Sir thank you very much for your encouragement.

In India it is a common practice to performing Sandhyavandanam by Brahmins particularly Hindu Priests in the morning. Some people performing Sandhyavandanam by 3 times also. The three times are  Morning (Prataha Sandhyavandanam), Afternoon (Madhyahna Sandhyavandanam) and Evening (Sayam Sandhyavandanam).  During the Sandhyavandanam time people worship Gayatri Maa and performing the procedure of Sandhyavandanam by reciting atleast 108 times of Gayatri Mantra.

For more information about Sandhyavandanam and Gayatri Mantra please look into my Gayatri Mantra blog. I created Gayatri Mantra blog specially for describing the significance and importance of chanting Gayatri Mantra.

This is my Gayatri Mantra blog link.

Like my Heritage of India also please look into my Gayatri Mantra blog also and share your comments.

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