Tuesday 25 December 2012

Gold Coins Post Cards of Indian Museum

These are "Set of Ten Gold Coins Colour Picture Post Cards" printed by Indian Museum in my collection.

This is cover of "Set of Ten Gold Coins Colour Picture Post Cards".

These are 2 different Samudragupta Gold Coin post cards in the set.

 This is Sasanka Gold Coin Post Card in the set.

This is Golden Ramatanka post card.

This is Bactrian Greek King Diodotus II Gold Coin Post Card.

  This is Kanishka Gold Coin post card.

 This is Jahangir Gold coin post card.

 This is Akbar Gold coin post card.

This is Victoria Queen Gold Coin Post Card.

This is the back of the cover of this Gold Coins Post Cards set.



  1. Good article... May I share an article about the Statues in Florence in http://stenote.blogspot.com/2018/01/florence-city-of-statues.html
    Watch the video in youtube https://youtu.be/9FCNU23fySg

  2. Sir
    Kindly send me details and rate about the Sree Rama Tanka (Pattabhisheka)Gold coin. I am collecting such coins.

  3. I have a 1-1.5k year old gupta dynasty coin, anyone interested to buy this ?

  4. It has weight 7.7 gm, if any interested here so dm on my insta accnt @_txsxhxr.
