Monday 17 December 2012

Bullock Carts of India vintage Post Cards

From the ancient times Bullock Cart is one of the primary medium of transportation to the people of India. Particularly in the rural areas of India even today also people use these Bullock Carts as a medium of transportation for carrying their items etc. and they also used these Bullock Carts for journeying from one location to another location as a medium of vehicle(transportation).

In my collection i have a vintage Indian Rich People on their Royal Bullock Cart Post Card. This post card printed in Russia.

Normal people and villagers use ordinary Bullock Cart as a medium of transportation for their day-to-day activities even in today also in several parts of Rural India.

In my collection i have a vintage post card of Indian village people carrying their cotton on the Bullock Cart. This vintage Bullock Cart post card printed in Germany.

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