Saturday 17 November 2012

Paintings of India

From the Ancient times onwards India's glorious heritage depicted in its art. From the generation to generation people of different parts of India share their heritage through Art in the form of paintings and sculptures.

Painting is one of the Art form and it represent the heritage of people of several generations. 

In India there will be many forms of paintings like Rajasthani, Deccani like many other regional culture existed in that area through paintings. 

India's rich heritage depicted in paintings. Even in many parts of India there will be paintings depicted on old temples, caves etc. Some of the examples are Lepakshi temple, Ajanta caves etc.

In my collection i have some paintings post cards.

This is  Mughal painting post card. This painting is in Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai.

This is Rajasthani painting post card depicting the Radha and Krishna on Chariot.

This is Rustom fighting with Sohrab painting post card.


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